Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The best week ever..

This thurs Jared Of Upgrade, Bellasoul, Animal House, Forbidden Events, and FLUID Proudly Present this Thursday LIPSTICK CRUSH A Brand New Event Every Thursday FREE ALL NIGHT GUESTLIST 10pm - 2am Fluid Ultra Lounge 662 Mission St. San Francisco, CA

Every first Saturday your "POSSE ON BROADWAY" @ Apartment 24. Its gonna be fresher than an 80's benz limo. This Saturday Aug 3rd will rock your socks off You can hit me up for the list by rsvping to the fb group otherwise $10.

Scene Sundays
is in for a treat this week with special guest dj Don Lynch on the decks with yours truly. Nadia will be holding down thedance floor and kickin mad logistics as your hostess with the mostess. MLNP is in full effect doggies so join the VIP LIST for the latest info.

Manic mondays was so banging last week. It was one of our best weeks ever. Last minute celebrations and liberal libations rule. This week for the fist time ever at MANIC MONDAYS we are excited to have Dj David Carvahlo on the 1s and 2s w/ Dj Mei-Lwun on the 3s and 4s. Holler!!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

MANic Mondays July 6th... Hotter than...

Make it to MANIC Mondays July 6th for two veteran SF Party Rockers on one small stage. Even though Slick D and I were residents at 181 back in the day we actually havent played on the same decks ever. Its been a long time in the making so grab your kicks cuz we fixin ta make ya dance!!

Manic table reservations avail just email me: djmlsf@gmail.com

Saturday, June 27, 2009

"Sunday and Monday" are the new "Friday and Saturday"

So Scene Sundays.. would be like friday night, just got paid, come as you are and have at it. Its our official launch party this Sunday June 28th. There are a few tables still avail so email your party to mlnpsf@gmail.com and we will reserve you a table at no cost with no minimum. dope huh? Join the MLNP mailing list and get these offers first.

Believe it Ninjas!! Mondays that feel like a Saturday. MANIC has been rolling strong for a year + now if you haven't checked it out you are sleeping on one of most fun events SF has to offer.

Monday, June 22, 2009

This week in sf!

Manic Mondays June 22nd W/MC NSTINCT!!

MANIC is the ISH up in dis B!! This week Dj Mei-Lwun plays the marathon set so come down early. It'll be Bananas. Special guest MC NSTINCT straight outta Oakland CALI reppin THE BAY with a progressive Hip-Hop sound. His lyrical skills and great party rocking vibe will have you saggin' your skinny jeans and flossin' your diving goggles!! Check him out on Myspace: WWW.MYSPACE.COM/NSTINCT


K.I.S.S. Thursdays VS Ho Down June 25th

The HO Girls are back to help raise money for the Tenderloin Afterschool Project. 20 of San Francisco's HOttest girls (and a couple HOnorary boys to boot) are gettin' their cowboy boots on to start up some fun that Thursday night at Mars Bar.
Musical guests this year are DJ MEI LWUN, LUKE FRY & D MFR.

K.I.S.S. Thurdays. Its a pre-party thing. Resident DJ Mei-Lwun & special guest DJs @ MARS Bar hosted by Nadia Patel and Jenny Kiely 6-?. We will be open for happy hour, beats and eats. So much fun we might have you staying up late


Friday June 26th 5A5 Steakhouse

its my first time since @ 5A5. Of course me and the wifey have mad history in that building as Frisson so this should be fresh!!

Scene Sundays Launch June 28th

MLNP presents a casual take on one of SF's nicest venues, SLIDE. Will you be "Scene" every Sunday with the behind the scenesters of San Francisco letting it all hang out. Come as you are dress code and No minimum for table reservations make this Sunday a no brainer. Get a few friends together and reserve your table now by emailing mlnpsf@gmail.com.


Friday, June 19, 2009

Manic Mondays June 22nd!

MANIC is the ISH up in dis B!! This week Dj Mei-Lwun plays the marathon set so come down early. It'll be Bananas. Special guest MC NSTINCT straight outta Oakland CALI reppin THE BAY with a progressive Hip-Hop sound. His lyrical skills and great party rocking vibe will have you saggin' your skinny jeans and flossin' your diving goggles!! Check him out on Myspace: WWW.MYSPACE.COM/NSTINCT

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

San Francisco Oahu Sammich!!

So this weekend starts early and when i say early i mean K.I.S.S. thursdays happy hour at Mars bar with special guest dj Henroc (cat city sound) and myself cheep drinks and cheep thrills... good times.

Then off to Oahu for a HOMECOMING of sorts see the W hotel was the first place i played in Hawaii thanks to Komo (RIP brother) and the first of many thanks to Flash and Matty. Friday is "Home". I might drop a cameo saturday night as well. check thier site for more details.

Never fear MANIC Mondays will rock too thanks to special guest Solarz of the Rock-It Scientists and Gowhiteboy.. I fly back in at 9pm and I'm driving straight to MANIC!!

Saturday, May 30, 2009


MANIC MONDAYS celebrates a year of friggin wild parties on a weekly basis! Big thanks to everyone whos supported us its been an amazing first year and were looking forward to even more fun in year two. I know is our B-day but really its your B-day too... So i made you this ;) Heres what the the 9-10 hour at MANIC ends up sounding like. if you haven't made it down early here's what you've been missing. Part 2 coming soon. Stay tuned to MANIC MONDAYS for the latest and make down early one night.

DJ Mei-lwun presents Manic Mondays Live Mix part 1

This is why im hot (black out) -mims
Bam Bam - Sister Nancy
Blowjob Betty -Too $hort
Cupids Choke hold - Gym Class Heroes
Just a Friend - Biz Markie
Good Life - Gay Fish
Snap Your Muthafuckin Gs - Eazy E vs Lil Jon (DJ Reaction)
Mrs. Officer - Lil Wayne Feat.Bobby Valentino
Big Poppa - Notorious B.I.G.
I Love College - Asher Roth
Paper Planes - M.I.A
Swagger Like Us - Kanye
Blame it on the MIMS -DJ EDUB Mix
Tipsy - J Kwon
Heartless - Detoto Mix
This is the way i Walk on the Wildside - DJ Topcat
Get Money - Junior Mafia
Fergie Gets Krispy - Fergie vs Kinfolk Kia Shine (DJ Reaction)
Pop Champagne - Ron Brownz
Hypnotize - Notorious B.I.G.
Return of the Mack - Mark Morrison
Hustler's Anthem 09 - Busta and Pain
Only This - 112 vs Mims (DJ Reaction)
Atliens - Outkast
My Dick - Mickey Avalon
Poke Her Face - Kid Cudi Ft. Kayne West & Common (Dj RaLd RemiX)
Watch Out Now - Beatnuts
Cant Believe It (Gucci Mix) - DJ Marc
Ditty - Paper Boy
Blister In The Brain Break - Full Tilt
Hot Stepper - Ini Kamoze
Be Faithful - Crooklyn Clan
Single Ladies (Ut Ohh On It) - DJ Beatbreaker
Uh Oh - Lumidee

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Everyone remembers their first K.I.S.S.

Hey Kids,
I know its a bit early for my fellow social procrastinator types but next Thursday May 28th MLNP presents K.I.S.S. @ Mars Bar w/Djs Solomon and Me.
This is a Happy Hour/Pre-party event with eats and beats that will be so rocking you might close the bar with us!!! No cover, No dress code and amazingly reasonable drink price list and a posse of party folks.. including you. ;)
C ya there,

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Manic Mondays May 25th

Taking it there. Manic was off the map last night. Thanks to Nadia, Thomas, Gowhiteboy, Keahi and the rest of the crew it was packed and rowdy all night long. This Monday May 25th will more of the same madness with drink specials on Fernet and Corralejos and never a cover. For table resevations email: mlnpsf@gmail.com

MATRIXFILLMORE 3138 fillmore st sf

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Where do Mission hipster meet Marina and Marin, Art students talk to med students, Djs dance with promoters and models drink whiskey with scientists? MANIC MONDAYS is the epitome of San Francisco. Resident and host Dj Mei-Lwun + weekly guests DJs and Artists play Hipster-Hop and Electro-Pop. No cover. Come with a smile. $4 Fernet $7 Fernet and a beer or Corralejos! We offer bottle with wine starting under a $100 for a reserved table, a few friends and a bottle of wine and you are pimpin sf steez!!

MATRIXFILLMORE 3138 Fillmore st sf 9-2


Thursday, April 30, 2009


join us this monday for your weekly dose of MANIC MONDAYS dopeness!! I'll be mashing your favorite hipster-hop and electro-pop from 9-2. drink specials on fernet and coralejos!

join the group:http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=17141602475

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Posse On Broadway

Saturday May 2nd and every first Saturday following my POSSE (is) ON BROADWAY starts @ Apartment 24. Its gonna be fresher than an 80's benz limo. You can hit me up for the list otherwise $10, Ladies free bef 1030. 440 Broadway st sf

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Superstar Dj Mike Yager for MANIC MONDAYS 420!!

Happy 420.. the happiest date of the year and a very special MANIC MONDAYS. Hes played the most exclusive celebrity parties from NY to LA and LV Its Dj Mike Yagers San Fran debut. As always drink specials on Fernet and Corralejos.

MATRIXFILLMORE 3138 Fillmore st SF 9-2 free

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

We do good job!!

Manic is always major and this week will be no exception. Your MANIC residents will be rocking the spot and J Stone (Human Beatbox) will be thrilling up with his verbal gymnastics. When i first heard J Beatbox some doors, art of noise, jay z and genuine all together i was hooked. You will be too. Drink specials on Fernet and Coralejos.

MATRIXFILLMORE 3138 Fillmore st sf. No cover 9-2 +21


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Nobody does it better

MANIC MONDAYS is San Francisco's favorite weekly event. We rock every week with the best Dj's SF has to offer, which means the best the world has to offer. The Matrix Fillmore is a sweet venue with plenty of chill as well as dance space. there is never a cover and always drink specials on Fernet and Corralejos.

3138 Fillmore st sf 9-2. Free +21

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Do your part..

To keep the economy going i think its incumbent on all of us to go out and get friggidy drizunk!! yeah i said it!! look I believe in a bottom up economy.. Put money in bartenders, waitresses and djs pockets and they spend it. not like some old miserly banker with a "he who dies with the most toys wins" outlook either.. we spend it on groceries, rent, gas and drugs.. things that really keep the ol U.S of A's $$ rollin.. With that off my chest i think you should make it to MANIC MONDAYS this Monday March 30th. I'll be rocking the decks all night long so get your ass down to the spot early and stay late cuz thats how we get out economy moving!!!

MATRIXFILLMORE 3138 FILLMORE ST SF. No Cover. +21. 9pm-2am

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Go White Boy!

This Monday come on down for another kick ass edition of MANIC MONDAYS with your resident and host Dj Mei-Lwun and introducing Go White Boy! Specials on $4 Fernet, $7 Fernet and a Beer or, a Corralejos. Never a cover.

MATRIXFILLMORE 3138 Fillmore st SF, 9-2am

Join the fb group: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=59787592093&ref=mf

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Twitter this!!

Do u even know how crazy manic mondays are? No cover, $4 fernet $7 fernet & a beer or corralejos! Oh yeah, we also offer bottle service/table res on wine starting @ $40. Hey a booth, a few friends and, a bottle of wine and you are pimpin sf recession style!

MATRIXFILLMORE 3138 Fillmore st sf. 9-2am No Cover.

join the manic mondays on fb: here

Saturday, March 7, 2009

MANIC this Monday just me!

Come on down to manic tonight march 9th. i'll be on the decks for the long set 9-2 so come by and have a drink and shake your stuff.no cover, $4 fernet $7 fernet and a beer or corralejos! What what! oh yeah i didnt mention we offer bottle service/table res on wine starting @ $40 (cuz its a plumpjack property) but hey a booth, a few friends and a bottle of wine and you are pimpin sf steez!!

MATRIXFILLMORE 3138 Fillmore St. 9-2. +21 No Cover

Join the MM posse

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

This week in SF!

This Saturday @ 1015 Folsom

Join me @ my new residency 1015 Folsom in the front room this saturday. RSVP to the event page for free entry bef 12 and $10 after. Ladies free all night long w/RSVP.

Get on the VIP list!

MANIC This Monday March 2nd

on and on to the break of 2am.. Trevor Simpson djing @ MANIC MONDAYS w/ your humble resident and host DJ Mei-Lwun. Fernet and Corralejos on special. Janice, Jared and Keahi keeping you comfy.

MATRIXFILLMORE 3138 Fillmore St SF. 9-2 No Cover

join the MANIC MONDAYS posse!!

Download my new mix:

DJ Mei-lwun - Girls Kiss Girls

Saturday, February 21, 2009

!0!5 Saturdays!! MANIC!! My B-DAY!!

Saturdays @ 1015 Folsom are "on like donkey kong"!!! Its my new Saturday spot. RSVP @ the facebook event for free entry bef 12 and only $10 after and check out my set the way it should be heard. LOUD on great sound with a bitchin dance floor!! Im rocking the front room all night long so stop by and shake a tail!!! BTW at midnight its my B-Day!!


Then my official b-day party is at MANIC this coming monday with all my boys on the decks!!!! Zhaldee, Sam Isaac, Don Lynch, Guzie and Solarz (Rock-It Scientists) will all be rocking the set. This is a must not miss all star night of fun.. Well you say its your Birthday.. Well its my Birthday too!!!!

Never a cover.. Always special drinks and drink specials served up by Keahi. Janice B our Party Police


Join the MANIC MONDAYS posse

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Girls Kiss Girls - Dj Mei-Lwun MIX!!!!

Check my new Electro-Pop mix out on your ipod. If you want to hear it the way it should be heard get five of your friends together and roll to MANIC MONDAYS or Saturdays @ 1015 Folsom and get the full monte.


American Boy
Around the World
Just Dance
Girls Just Want to have Fun
Girls Kiss Girls
I Kissed a Girl
Sweet Dreams
Day'N'Nite (Crookers Remix)
Sunglasses at night (atracK)
Whoomp There it is
Hungry Like The Wolf
How Low (Dj Mei-lwun Remix)
Gimme More (LAZRTAG Remix)
The Girls Give It Up (ANTIX Remix)
Thats Not My Friend (Dj Mei-lwun Remix)
Everyone Nose (Douster Remix)
Green Light (Feat. Andre 3000) (DLake Remix)

Join the MANIC MONDAYS fb group!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Love day @ 1015 this Saturday night

I'll be djing the front room all night long so stop by. you can get in free before 12 just get on the guest list. just email guestlist@connectedgrooves.com

w/ $15 pre-sale purchase @ WANTICKETS.COM/1015

+ + +



*Open bar included (see details above)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

MANIC gets clean w/Dj Ajax

This Monday Feb 16th DJ Mei-Lwun presents MANICMONDAYS brings special guest DJ AJAX to the decks for a session of Hipster-Hop and Electro-Pop Madness!! Drink specials on Fernet and Corralejos,
MATRIXFILLMORE 3138 Fillmore sf 9-2 No Cover

Join the FB group and get fresh new mixes and vip guest list to events:


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

J Boogie down productions!!!

FEB 9th MANIC MONDAYS brings you the one and only J Boogie. A San Francisco hip hop staple J boogie rocks the party set like few other i know. Your MANIC resident and host Dj Mei-Lwun in da house and Keahi seving up drink specials on top shelf hootch. MATRIXFILLMORE 3138 Fillmore st SF 9pm-2am NO COVER

Join the group

Thursday, January 29, 2009


MANIC MONDAYS for Feb 2nd goes Groundhog's Day w/ the dirty dirty Dj Vin Sol vs resident trickster Dj Mei-Lwun. As always Fernet and Corralejos on special and never a cover charge. 9pm -2am MATRIXFILLMORE 3138 Fillmore st SF

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Fort Wayne Vs Dj Mei-Lwun recorded live @ MANIC MONDAYS Jan 19th

Don't sleep peeps Fort Wanye aka Chris Clouse is a helluva DJ!!! Check this Electro Hip-Pop set we through down at MANIC MONDAYS on Obama's Eve!! This 120 + Minute mix will have you bouncing off the walls and incidentally starts with my new favorite track.. "Im Too Fat to be a Hipster" - Oh Snap!!!

Fort Wayne Vs Dj Mei-Lwun - Live @ MANIC Jan 19th

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Dj Mei-Lwun presents MANIC MONDAYS w/ J Espinosa

This weeks installation of Dj Mei-Lwun presents MANIC MONDAYS will feature special guest Dj J Espinosa. J's surgical on the the decks and will be dropin bombs all night long. Keahi serving up the specials on Fernet and Corralejos to keep those drinks flowing. Never a cover. MATRIXFILLMORE 3138 Fillmore St SF No Cover 9pm

January 19

In our quest to bring you the best night out ever.. especially on a Monday MANIC presents Fort Wayne (Dj Chris Clouse) with your resident and host DJ Mei-Lwun. As always drink specials on Fernet and Corralejos and never a cover charge.
Time and Place

MATRIXFILLMORE 3138 Fillmore St. SF 9-2 No Cover

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The harder the Dj's name is to spell the better the set...

err what!?! thats Zhaldee and Mei-Lwun @ MANIC MONDAYS Jan 12th. Alls i know is every time we dj together its friggin awesome. Come enjoy some of the best DJs in San Francisco, A fireplace and drink specials on Fernet and Corralejos.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

DJ Mei-Lwun presents MANIC MONDAYS w/ DJ Don Lynch

Yo peeps this is the first MANIC MONDAYS' party for 09 and we's doin it proper with my boy DJ Don Lynch. If you havent heard him yet you are missing out he's damn entertaining!! the rest of the usual suspects will be in the house!!

Dj Mei-Lwun

Dj Mei-Lwun
...talks with both mouth and hands.

Contrubutor BIOs