Wednesday, June 10, 2009

San Francisco Oahu Sammich!!

So this weekend starts early and when i say early i mean K.I.S.S. thursdays happy hour at Mars bar with special guest dj Henroc (cat city sound) and myself cheep drinks and cheep thrills... good times.

Then off to Oahu for a HOMECOMING of sorts see the W hotel was the first place i played in Hawaii thanks to Komo (RIP brother) and the first of many thanks to Flash and Matty. Friday is "Home". I might drop a cameo saturday night as well. check thier site for more details.

Never fear MANIC Mondays will rock too thanks to special guest Solarz of the Rock-It Scientists and Gowhiteboy.. I fly back in at 9pm and I'm driving straight to MANIC!!

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Dj Mei-Lwun

Dj Mei-Lwun
...talks with both mouth and hands.

Contrubutor BIOs