Saturday, March 7, 2009

MANIC this Monday just me!

Come on down to manic tonight march 9th. i'll be on the decks for the long set 9-2 so come by and have a drink and shake your cover, $4 fernet $7 fernet and a beer or corralejos! What what! oh yeah i didnt mention we offer bottle service/table res on wine starting @ $40 (cuz its a plumpjack property) but hey a booth, a few friends and a bottle of wine and you are pimpin sf steez!!

MATRIXFILLMORE 3138 Fillmore St. 9-2. +21 No Cover

Join the MM posse

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Dj Mei-Lwun

Dj Mei-Lwun
...talks with both mouth and hands.

Contrubutor BIOs