Thursday, March 20, 2008

Slimi Hendrix?

I've been thinking about doing a Hendrix vs Hip Hop mashup album lately but cant decide on a particular artist. Im leaning towards Eminem because hes got a bunch of material and i could call it the Slimi Mathers Experience or something like that. I'm open to suggestions so please leave some in the comments. Frankly im a bit concerned that nobody seem to like to comment....


Allen Romero said...

Hip hop is not my area of expertise, but I'll throw out Snoop or Dr. Dre (yes those technically aren't hip hop). Keep the blog and music up. Just found it!

Dj Mei-Lwun said...

Thanks Rk3.. Tell a friend. BTW.. i think snoop and dre are Hip-Hop.

Dj Mei-Lwun

Dj Mei-Lwun
...talks with both mouth and hands.

Contrubutor BIOs