join us this monday for your weekly dose of MANIC MONDAYS dopeness!! I'll be mashing your favorite hipster-hop and electro-pop from 9-2. drink specials on fernet and coralejos!
join the group:
Saturday May 2nd and every first Saturday following my POSSE (is) ON BROADWAY starts @ Apartment 24. Its gonna be fresher than an 80's benz limo. You can hit me up for the list otherwise $10, Ladies free bef 1030. 440 Broadway st sf
Happy 420.. the happiest date of the year and a very special MANIC MONDAYS. Hes played the most exclusive celebrity parties from NY to LA and LV Its Dj Mike Yagers San Fran debut. As always drink specials on Fernet and Corralejos.
Manic is always major and this week will be no exception. Your MANIC residents will be rocking the spot and J Stone (Human Beatbox) will be thrilling up with his verbal gymnastics. When i first heard J Beatbox some doors, art of noise, jay z and genuine all together i was hooked. You will be too. Drink specials on Fernet and Coralejos.
MATRIXFILLMORE 3138 Fillmore st sf. No cover 9-2 +21