Wednesday, February 25, 2009

This week in SF!

This Saturday @ 1015 Folsom

Join me @ my new residency 1015 Folsom in the front room this saturday. RSVP to the event page for free entry bef 12 and $10 after. Ladies free all night long w/RSVP.

Get on the VIP list!

MANIC This Monday March 2nd

on and on to the break of 2am.. Trevor Simpson djing @ MANIC MONDAYS w/ your humble resident and host DJ Mei-Lwun. Fernet and Corralejos on special. Janice, Jared and Keahi keeping you comfy.

MATRIXFILLMORE 3138 Fillmore St SF. 9-2 No Cover

join the MANIC MONDAYS posse!!

Download my new mix:

DJ Mei-lwun - Girls Kiss Girls

Saturday, February 21, 2009

!0!5 Saturdays!! MANIC!! My B-DAY!!

Saturdays @ 1015 Folsom are "on like donkey kong"!!! Its my new Saturday spot. RSVP @ the facebook event for free entry bef 12 and only $10 after and check out my set the way it should be heard. LOUD on great sound with a bitchin dance floor!! Im rocking the front room all night long so stop by and shake a tail!!! BTW at midnight its my B-Day!!


Then my official b-day party is at MANIC this coming monday with all my boys on the decks!!!! Zhaldee, Sam Isaac, Don Lynch, Guzie and Solarz (Rock-It Scientists) will all be rocking the set. This is a must not miss all star night of fun.. Well you say its your Birthday.. Well its my Birthday too!!!!

Never a cover.. Always special drinks and drink specials served up by Keahi. Janice B our Party Police


Join the MANIC MONDAYS posse

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Girls Kiss Girls - Dj Mei-Lwun MIX!!!!

Check my new Electro-Pop mix out on your ipod. If you want to hear it the way it should be heard get five of your friends together and roll to MANIC MONDAYS or Saturdays @ 1015 Folsom and get the full monte.


American Boy
Around the World
Just Dance
Girls Just Want to have Fun
Girls Kiss Girls
I Kissed a Girl
Sweet Dreams
Day'N'Nite (Crookers Remix)
Sunglasses at night (atracK)
Whoomp There it is
Hungry Like The Wolf
How Low (Dj Mei-lwun Remix)
Gimme More (LAZRTAG Remix)
The Girls Give It Up (ANTIX Remix)
Thats Not My Friend (Dj Mei-lwun Remix)
Everyone Nose (Douster Remix)
Green Light (Feat. Andre 3000) (DLake Remix)

Join the MANIC MONDAYS fb group!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Love day @ 1015 this Saturday night

I'll be djing the front room all night long so stop by. you can get in free before 12 just get on the guest list. just email

w/ $15 pre-sale purchase @ WANTICKETS.COM/1015

+ + +



*Open bar included (see details above)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

MANIC gets clean w/Dj Ajax

This Monday Feb 16th DJ Mei-Lwun presents MANICMONDAYS brings special guest DJ AJAX to the decks for a session of Hipster-Hop and Electro-Pop Madness!! Drink specials on Fernet and Corralejos,
MATRIXFILLMORE 3138 Fillmore sf 9-2 No Cover

Join the FB group and get fresh new mixes and vip guest list to events:

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

J Boogie down productions!!!

FEB 9th MANIC MONDAYS brings you the one and only J Boogie. A San Francisco hip hop staple J boogie rocks the party set like few other i know. Your MANIC resident and host Dj Mei-Lwun in da house and Keahi seving up drink specials on top shelf hootch. MATRIXFILLMORE 3138 Fillmore st SF 9pm-2am NO COVER

Join the group

Dj Mei-Lwun

Dj Mei-Lwun
...talks with both mouth and hands.

Contrubutor BIOs