Thursday, November 20, 2008

Good Vibes!!

What a way to start December. Solarz or Guzie could easily rock a club all night by themselves however on DEC 1st all three of us will be boldly djing where no dj has djyed before. Add that to the fact that its Samantha Liu of GDMs Bday. Ya know we have to bust out the Titty Cake!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My lil buddy Don Lynch @ MANIC MONDAYS this week!

Seriously fun stuff when me and young sky walker come together and use the force on them wheels o steel. Join us at this Monday Nov 24th for Dj Mei-Lwun presents MANIC MONDAYS w/ DJ Don Lynch! Fun, Fatastical and always FREE. Fernet and Corralejos givin you drink special love. Keahi at the bar and Va-Janice @ the door. 9PM 3138 Fillmore sf st.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Zhaldee and Mei-Lwun @ MANIC

This Monday @ MANIC me and my main ninja Zhaldee beating it up like nunchucks. You know its gonna be a party. Come early and stay late. Drink specials on Fernet and Corralejos. Never a cover but smiles are a must!!

9-11 DJ mei-lwun
11-1 DJ Zhaldee
1-close DJ Mei-Lwun

3138 Fillmore St SF

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Monday Nov 10th DJ Mei-Lwun presents MANIC MONDAYS w/Dj Ean Golden of You know whenever me n my boy Ean aka Fidelski get together things get kooky. You might see Iphones and Guitar hero guitar used to remix a track or two live as well as outright sickness on the 1s,2s,3s, and 4s! Come prepared to be entertained!

Djing with an Iphone

Djing with Guitar Hero

9-11 Dj Mei-Lwun
11-12:30 Ean Golden
12:30-Close W/DJ Mei-Lwun and Ean Golden

3138 Fillmore st SF. No Cover. +21 .9PM

Dj Mei-Lwun

Dj Mei-Lwun
...talks with both mouth and hands.

Contrubutor BIOs