MAnic Mondays rocks your sox.. Manic Mondays here or there.. MAnic Mondays everywhere. DJ Chris Fox joins us Monday Nov 3rd for what promises to be yet another unbelievable MANIC!!! 3138 Fillmore St SF. 9pm. No Cover.
Where do Mission hipster meet Marina and Marin, Art students talk to Med students, Djs dance with Promoters and Models drink wiskey with scientists? DJ Mei-Lwun presents MANIC MONDAYS is the epitome of San Francisco. Weekly guests DJs and Artists rock Hipster-Hop and Electro-Pop. No cover. Come with a smile.
MANIC MONDAYS for October 27th is the place to party with all your friends minus the amateurs that always are out on actual Halloween. Put or grow your best "man moss" and Magnum PI down to MANIC!!