Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Lets hear it for the boys!!!

Join us for special guest dj Sam Isaac and your resident and host dj Mei-Lwun for another installment of your favorite weekly shin dig MANIC MONDAYS. This monday's special "Dirty deeds done at a reasonable discount"

Sunday, June 15, 2008


I know June 30th is a couple of weeks off and I'm not known for giving this much notice but this one is too big to keep under wraps for any longer. Gina Rene, my sister from another mister, of Soulstice fame will be performing a mini set and guest hosting MANIC MONDAYS. This event is free and will be packed. If you are interested in assuring your spot you can contact me to book a table.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


We were seriously floored by last nights kick off of MANIC MONDAYS. It was RAW!! Special thanks to Jared F, J Stone and Keahi. Jared was wearing at least three hats last night. All of them with style. J Stone dropped some beat box styles that blew the crowd away. We worked in a wide variety of music and made sure to elude to the MATRIX's 60's providence. Thanks to all who joined us and we hope to see you all next week. Check PARTYMUSICFORSLUTS.COM for all the latest 411, Dj sets and Refixes!!!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

So Fly Saturdays 6.14.08

Next Saturday is time for another installation of SO FLY @ the AMBASSADOR here in SF. Last month was too much. The crowd was mad!!! Listen to the sets from may 24th if you haven't yet. Radiodread yo!!!!! and its all bombs till the end of the night!! Don't miss out on this Saturday June 14th. Comment on this posting and get on my guest list.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Starting June 9th Manic Mondays industry social. Most of my peeps are 'working for the weekend' if you know what I mean so what better night to get together than Mondays. Manic will feature myself, DJ Jared F and weekly special guests @ the MATRIX Fillmore. I'll be taking this opportunity to roll Video SL in a 60's light show flavor seeing as how the venue has a psychedelic history. Check out our vintagy flyer. It was for Jefferson Airplane originally.

Dj Mei-Lwun

Dj Mei-Lwun
...talks with both mouth and hands.

Contrubutor BIOs