Finally after many difficulties with my web host and combined with my considerable procrastination my complete Disco/Mixology is on line. Everything that i ever released and a few things never posted is here. Please enjoy, comment and Share. Thanks, Dj Mei-Lwun
PS: The links are all fine (i think) although you may have to click refresh them because my sucky server is slow. Anyone wanna help me redesign . Tons of exposure for a web designer. I need help!!!!
UNDERWORLD THANG I still love this track. Its one of the first things i never put out. Made on an MPC2000 with a lovely sample from The Barry White Orchestra and another from American Pimp. Additional Keys and production By Gabriel Rene of Soulstice fame.
I Love 50 This is the first mashup i ever made. It works but truthfully it sounds like junk and the tempo floats around a bit. Using Propeller Head's Reason I made it to Dj with and it just kinda took off!!! Joan Jett and 50 Cent are a big reason for that im sure. I was listening to lots of Freelance Hellraiser and Satanic MashUps.
I Love 502003
Cougar-Tip Live 105 found this one payable as well as tons of radio station in the UK. Still in Reason but plugged in to a Digi 01. Love the parallels between the two tracks vocals.
Terrible Freak - Missy Vs NIN (Dj Mei-Lwun) Man i love NIN. I guess I'm a sucker for a sob story.
Terrible Freak - Missy Vs NIN (Dj Mei-Lwun)2003 Safety vs Danger Uhhh Busta Bust!!! With Men who hath no hats
Safety vs Danger2003 Thats What I Get Lil SF Electro remix of another NIN tune
Thats What I Get (Dj Mei-Lwun's Frisco Refix)2003
The Hipster Hop Dj Mix This is Live yo!!! 4 segments i edited together with skits and samples. BEWARE OF OFFENSIVE AND PROFANE LANGUAGE IN THE INTRO!!!
Hipster-Hop (Dj Mei-Lwun)2003
Sweet Home Country Grammar Ok... this one has some legs on it. There isnt a week that passes without an email from someone who's just found it. Its been in TIME magazine, on Rick Dee's weekly top 40, stolen by MANCOW and, on the radio and blogs around the globe. There have been millions of downloads from my site alone. I'd venture to say its WEB PLATINUM but more important to me are the countless racial discussions sparked on Youtube, myspace and the like...
Sweet Home Country Grammar2004
Usher Bites I was so sick of requests for that Yeah song i made this with Queen and Usher.
Usher Bites - (Dj Mei-Lwun Mash)2004
Young Love Jay Z Vs Paul Young. Also known as the Gay Z track.
Young Love2004
Smashing Planets This is the
Ten Minute Mash . I Made it when i found Mixmeister. I though it was funny.. Beware the tempo floats.
Smashing Plannets2004
Drop it Like its Hendrix Two bad ass artists Jimi and Snoop
Drop it Like its Hendrix2004
freaky lady Young Rome Vs Jimi Hendrix. I cant help thinking of Dana Carvey in Waynes World when I Listen to this one.
Freaky Lady2004 The Eminem is Gay Mashup Series.
My Bad is just plane creepy by my own admission. If i weren't already dammed this would have gotten me a ticket straight to Hell!!
My Working Vacation was a live mix i decided to produce.. Yeah its out of key.
Forgot about Monday i will just say most people don't get..
Just Bizarre is really really gay.
My BadMy Working Vacation (DJ Mei-Lwun)Forgot About MondayJust Bizarre 2004 Time for some more Electro.
wasting all my time (DJ Mei-Lwun Frisco Refix). The Cars!!! Too Late feat Gina Rene on UNO recordings. Aint Got it Like Me (Dj Mei-Lwun Frisco Refix) a messy missy electro edit
Too Late feat Gina Renewasting all my time (DJ Mei-Lwun Frisco Refix)Aint Got it Like Me (Dj Mei-Lwun Frisco Refix)2005
Guilty Pleasure All the music you are ashamed to admit you actually listened to in 2005...
Guilty Pleasure2005
You Humped me All Night Long This one got quite popular too. There is a video avail on youtube.
You Humped me All Night Long2005
Whisper Wait Shout Yin Yang vs Tears for Fears
Wait Whisper SHOUT (DJ Mei-Lwun)2005
Neutron Disco (Dj Mei-Lwun). Beverly Hills Cop!!!!
Neutron Disco (Dj Mei-Lwun)2006
Finding out the Dj is blind (Dj Mei-Lwun)Finding out the Dj is blind (Dj Mei-Lwun)2006
Fit like OochieFit like Oochie2006
Gangsta HotGangsta Hot2006
Hollaback Retard - Gwen Vs BEP
Hollaback Retard - Gwen Vs BEP2006
Hollaback Slave - Britney Vs Gwen
Hollaback Slave2006
Jesus Walked Back And He's Black - Kanye vs AC/DC
Africans Diamonds and BEnjamins Kanye vs Puffy vs Toto
Africans Diamonds and BEnjamins2006
Tell Me When To Fight - E40 vs Survivor
Tell Me When To Fight - E40 vs Survivor.mp32007
I Wanna Fuck U (UP) - AKON VS C.M.B.
I Wanna Fuck U (UP) 2007
Last Night Dj Mei-Lwun Saved My Life Keisha and Puffy Vs In Deep.
Last Night Dj Mei-Lwun Saved My Life2007
Promiscuous Attraction - Madonna Vs Nelly Furtado
Promiscuous Attraction2007
Smack It Right - Akon feat Eminem Vs Nelly Furtado
Smack It Right2007
Smack That Horse - Akon feat Eminem Vs Laid Back
Smack That Horse2007
The Strawberry Jam - Another Dj Mei-Lwun Long Mix... Shades of Guilty Pleasure.
The Strawberry Jam2007
Glamorous Material Madonna vs Gwen and Luda
Glamorous Material2007
GIVE IT TO ME ELECTROGIVE IT TO ME (Dj Mei-Lwun Frisco Refix)2007 Britney is PUNK - Spears Vs Daft
Britney is PUNK (Dj Mei-Lwun Frisco Refix)2008
The Donquehote - Will i Am vs Magazine 60
The Donquehote2008 The LOW EP
How Low (Dj Mei-Lwun Frisco Refix)
LOwer than Low (Dj Mei-LWun House Refix)2008
Crank Dat (Dj Mei-Lwun Refix)
Find here Soulja Boy's "Crank Dat" Refixed with the Beastie Boys "Girls". Its a mix Ive been rocking live for some time now and I thought it'd be fun to play with the Beastie sample to make it sound like Crank Dat. I know there are thousands of "Crank Dat" remixes out there but to tell you the truth of Soulja Boy im not a fan however the Beasties Rock!!!
Crank Dat (Dj Mei-Lwun Refix)